Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Well, I get an A for effort...

My run got interrupted at 4:45 this morning.  Was a mile and a half into it...

Was supposed to do five one mile repeats at 10K pace, total 7 miles.  It would have been hard.  I'll find out next Tuesday...

What can you do?  Life sometimes gets in the way, dammit.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Crossfit WOD

AMRAP in 12 minutes of:
  • Squat Clean Thruster (CLUSTERS) 135#/85# - 20 reps
  • CLUSTERS 165#/105# - 15 reps
  • CLUSTERS 185#/125# - as many as you can until the time ends

Core - 4 max effort L-Holds
20 reps @ 63# + 15 reps @ 83# + 9 reps @ 93# = 44 reps total
L-hold: 25, 15, 20, 18 seconds.
Starting at 85# and ending at 125#?!  Maybe, one day.  I didn't sleep much at all last night, so was proud of my CLUSTER performance.  It was heavy, but I got that bar over my head and (whew!) didn't drop it on my myself.  
It was good to be back working out around my pals!

Crossfit WOD (on the road)

7 minutes of burpees.  I did 100.

Was happy to get to 100 as the evening was hot and humid, my feet were in the sand, and I had had a double scoop of ice cream a few hours before!  Glad not to skip the workout, but reminded me of how diet helps sharpen performance.  Or not...

But it's summer and it was the last day of vacation, so...oh well.

I think my PR for this 7 minutes of burpees WOD (which I do at home every other month or so) is about 112.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Long Run

14 miles.  120 minutes.  8 1/2 min pace.

14 very warm miles along the busy Currituck highway at 6 AM.  Did it in 2 hours...that's 8 1/2 minutes per mile!  Officially too fast, but...I was having fun so just decided that as long as I didn't slow down at the end, I should keep up the pace.

Running away from home is always a good thing.  It either breathes some fresh life into my miles and gives me some awesome scenery or, as in this morning, makes me appreciate what I've got at home.  I love the beach and appreciate the time near the shore.  But my idea of a fun run really doesn't involve a mostly flat out and back along a two-lane road.  It makes me appreciate the area in Virginia where we live, where I can drive 10 minutes to a handful of different trails that zig zag around and up and down and back again.  If I had to choose today for the rest of my life, mountains or beach, I'd choose mountains.  I wouldn't need time to think.  (And if there was a lake near those mountains in which I could jump after a long run...consider me there.)

But it was hot and humid this morning.  Probably about 75-ish degrees and 90% humidity.  Yes, I wore sunscreen even though half of my run was done before the sun came up.  I was looking everywhere for a sprinkler that I could put my hat into and then put it back on my head; I love the refreshing feeling of a cold-water hat!  But every where I looked, it seemed that the too-manicured yards had just been watered.  And the too-expensive in-ground sprinkler system turned off just as I approached.  Humph.

Finally, as I neared the turn-around point (which was mapped out in my car a few days before) I saw a sprinkler that was ON.  Hoorah!  I took my hat off and, and a few feet from some watery relief, I slowed to a walk.  As I reached my hat out, the sprinkler turned off.  I laughed out loud!  But as the Sprinkler Gods laughed at me, I looked 'em in the eye and cursed them.  I didn't need any sprinklers to have a good run.  Take THAT!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I got to sleep in today...until 5:30.  And I got to do speedwork outside rather than in my basement on my treadmill.  Both very good things.  I'm a lucky girl.  When I started it was still dark, the moon and a few stars out.  I was the only runner on the road.  Fun, fun, fun.  Temp was mid-70s, definitely 90%ish humidity.

Yasso 800s.  If you don't know what these are, click here to find out.  My goal for the Yasso 800 is 3:30.  I did 5 this morning--total of 5 1/2 or 6 miles--and I think I'll work my way up to 8.  The first was pretty easy and the next four were tough.

Here were my results:
3:18 (normal me...going out too fast)
3:40 (hmmm...slowed down to much)
3:40ish (where was the 1/2 mile marker??!  MIA...)
3:35 (close!  very close.)
3:31 (ended well...I like that).

Nice to have worked out--hard--and done by 6:36 AM.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Crossfit WOD (on the road)

Crossfit Reston has this handy sheet of WODs for those people who want to keep up some Crossfit-like workouts on the road.  As I hardly ever travel, I only look at it when I can't get out of my house to the "box."  (Still seems strange not calling it a gym.)  But I'm at the beach for the week, and I'm not sure if the Crossfit at the Outerbanks is worth the drive.  Rather than take the time away from my family, I looked at the 35 WODs and chose this one for today:

Perform rounds of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2- and then 1 reps of:

  • Burpees
  • Squats
  • Hand release push-ups
The countdown workouts always seem easy until you get to 7 and realize how far you have to go...!

Did it in 7:31.

I did this on the beach, while my kids were in the "foamy" state--in between awake and asleep--and other families were still out on the beach, fishing or walking their dogs or just hanging out.  I did it on a towel but that didn't keep the sand from getting all over my stomach and legs and hands and even my hair.  Not sure how that happened, but I'll probably be washing it out for a few days...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Crossfit WOD

Teams of 2. AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
  • Row 250M
  • Wall ball shots (20#/14#)

At 3,2,1,go - Team member #1 starts rowing and Team member #2 starts doing WBS. When TM#1 completes 250M - they switch stations. This continues on for the entire workout. Score is total number of wall ball shots completed.

246.  Rx for me.  

Fun workout--doable but still tough.  My partner Eric is completing his third week so it was fun to urge him on.  He should have done heavier than 14# medball, but...the trainer said to do 14# so he was doing 14#...

Friday, August 10, 2012

Long Run

W&OD.  12 miles.  1:43, turns out to 8:40ish minute miles.

No iPod today--wanted to make sure my head was on straight and I could push through.  I think I was one of the only on the trail without some sort of electronic device.  I can't use one in the Marine Corps so I am trying not to use one every long run.  On the W&OD I'm tempted to use one but usually run too quickly when I'm listening to fun music.  So it's just me, my thoughts and my footsteps out there.

I had to take Wednesday off as well as Thursday this week to prepare myself for a fun medical procedure that required me to fast and then make myself pretty dehydrated.  The second part of Thursday was spent recovering, taking a blessedly sweet nap in the afternoon and drinking more water than I thought my body could handle. I did all the right stuff and ran really well.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Speedplay: Hills

It was my second attempt at the Sisyphus Session.  It went better this time, despite legs so tired going down stairs is uncomfortable.  I modified it a bit, starting at level 3 rather than 4, and added a minute of recovery between sets.  I also added another minute to that before the last set--I needed a little more time to get mentally ready.

But that's what the marathon is all about--running on tired legs when your brain is telling you to stop.  Pushing on, believing you can do it--knowing you can.

Here was this morning's workout, started around 4:40 AM:

The Sisyphus Session

Warm up (wake up) 10 minutes (8:50ish pace)

Set 1 (8:27 pace):
30 seconds @ 3 percent incline
30 seconds @ 1 percent incline
60 seconds @ 3 percent incline
60 seconds @ 1 percent incline
90 seconds @ 3 percent incline
90 seconds @ 1 percent incline

3 minutes easy (8:34 pace), 1 percent incline

Set 2 (8:27 pace):
30 seconds @ 4 percent incline
30 seconds @ 2 percent incline
60 seconds @ 4 percent incline
60 seconds @ 2 percent incline
90 seconds @ 4 percent incline
90 seconds @ 2 percent incline

3 minutes easy (8:34 pace), 1 percent incline

Set 3 (8:27 pace):

30 seconds @ 5 percent incline
30 seconds @ 3 percent incline
60 seconds @ 5 percent incline
60 seconds @ 3 percent incline
90 seconds @ 5 percent incline
90 seconds @ 3 percent incline

2 minutes easy (8:34 pace), 1 percent incline

Set 4 (8:27 pace):
30 seconds @ 6 percent incline
30 seconds @ 4 percent incline
60 seconds @ 6 percent incline
60 seconds @ 4 percent incline

90 seconds @ 6 percent incline
90 seconds @ 4 percent incline

3 minutes easy (8:34 pace), 1 percent incline

about 8 minutes cool down, slowing gradually to 9:05 pace

52 minutes-ish...can't remember exactly. 6 miles.

My soaked shorts and jogbra are hanging on my tub.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Crossfit WOD

Tabata Intervals. 8 rounds of each exercise before rotation. Every Rep Counts.
  • C2B Pull ups
  • Hand Release Push Ups
  • Air Squats
  • Burpees

Core - 2 rounds of 30 unbroken GHD Sit Ups

33, 64, 128, 150 = 275. 

Not too shabby, though Chest to bar pull-ups were just regular pull-ups.  Those and the hand release push ups are places I could have done better.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Recovery Run

Just a short three miler on the treadmill this evening. 26ish minutes.  Just time to think.

Yesterday's humorously hellacious WOD has left me battered and bruised.  The inside of my right thigh is black and blue from all those rope climbs, and my legs are toast from...I'm guessing the run, a mile total, lugging a Kiefer-weighted bag on my back.  

But how could I not run today?  The Women's Olympic Marathon early this morning was so inspirational.  Their effort was so impressive.  I was sad for Kara Goucher that she dropped back early as I know her goals were loftier than her results--same goes for Shalane Flanigan.  Heart-breaking, really.  My older son asked me if I could run as fast as the women in the marathon.  I laughed!  Nope, I said, they are running almost TWICE as fast as I do in marathons.  So humbling!

One of these years an American will be on the podium again.  Only two have been there before: Joan Benoit Samuelson, gold, in the debut women's marathon in 1984 and Deena Kastor, bronze, in 2004.  (I cried like a baby when she crossed the finish line.)

I'm not a night runner, but I ran around 8 PM tonight.  After a dinner, which consisted of: burger with brie & honey mustard and a stout.  And then some gelato, bacio flavored in case you wondered.  It was a calorie-filled weekend, so I was glad to finish the weekend with a good, healthy run.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Crossfit WOD

31 Heroes WOD
As Many Reps As Possible in 31 minutes of (Teams of 2):
  • 8 Thrusters (155#/105#)
  • 6 rope climbs
  • 11 Box jumps (30"/24")

Partner #1 does this while partner #2 picks up a sandbag (45#/25#) and does a 400M sandbag run. When partner #2 completes run, partner #1 picks up the sandbag and does the run, and partner #2 continues wherever partner #1 left of in AMRAP.
Team score is total number of reps completed.
The 31 Heroes Project came about in response to the Chinook helicopter crash that took place on August 6, 2011 killing 30 military service members and one military working dog.  The WOD is 31 minutes long to honor the 31 heroes who died--one minute for each hero.  There's a whole lot more information about it here in case you're curious.  It's a partner WOD for those who had a partner for obvious reasons--when you're in the military, everything is about the life of your buddy.  His life is in yours, and your life is in his.  Literally.  

Though it was a partner WOD, I had no partner.  I didn't realize that 99% of the participants--um, all but me--had called their friends ahead of time and prearranged teams.  Oops.  So I did it by myself, which did seem fitting for where I am in this moment of my life.  It wasn't a huge variation of what's listed above.  I just started with the 400M run and went through the rest of the skills after that.  

We had to come up with a team name--anything patriotic.  Others chose Apple Pie, Team America, and Patriots.  I wanted to think of something clever and, since I was by myself, something befitting of that.  So, I was Team George.  George Washington exemplified what one leader can do, right?  So I wanted to show--mostly myself--what I could do.  In retrospect, if I had realized that there was a canine involved in the heroes project, I would have named my team o' one "Sweetlips" because that was the George's favorite dogs (of many--he was a dog lover.  He once returned his enemy's dog at the end of a battle.  Read about it in this children's book.  Alas, calling out "Sweetlips!" at the end of each round sounded a little risque, so...I went with George.  

So it started.  I am a pretty tough gal, but this WOD really tried to knock me flat.  The run was fine--my youngest son weighs 25 pounds, so that wasn't bad--I have training for that weighted run all day, every day. The box jumps are one of my strengths.  I chose a lighter weight for the thrusters; I went with just 55#.  I wish I had done more, at least 75#.  

But the rope climbs.  Damn!  The rope climbs.  I actually like climbing ropes in WODs and am pretty proud of the fact that I'm able to scramble up and down them.  But I've never done so many, and it's been months and months since I've done them.  I think I spent half of these 31 minutes just staring at the rope, thinking lots of thoughts about how it was me vs the rope.  You can do it.  You can do it.  You can do it.  No complicated mantra here.  

During one break from the 6 rope climbs I walked away from them a little and saw a book lying on a bench. It must have been from one of the kids whose parents come to workout, and their kid sits on the side and reads or, more likely, plays on some cool device that starts with an "i" that I would never let my kids have.  This book was The Book of Manners for Good Girls.  My mind kind of swirled and my gumption shot up. That was me and still is me--a good girl.  Who was always focused on good manners.  But maybe too much.  We so often look at our girls and tell them to quiet down, stay clean, say please and thank you, follow directions while their brotherly counterparts have more flexible rules because of more flexible expectations.  

I attacked the rope the next few times thinking of what I wanted for my daughter, and other girls--to be tough, to try things they might think they can't do, to yell from the rooftops, to laugh in an undignified manner, to get as messy as the boys.

Anyway, long story short: I almost got 4 rounds, by myself.  I was two box jumps short. Uncharacteristically of me, I fell on the box and just couldn't get up.  I had tears in my eyes and was super emotional about the whole thing, from the WOD but also from the week.  

Friday, August 3, 2012

Long Run

The best laid plans of mice and men... often go awry.

Well, I aimed to do 14 miles but life got in the way.  Hiked for 2 hours on the Pacific Heritage Trail while talking to dear ol' mom.  It was gorgeous and good to be out for that long...I think I ran for about 30 minutes at the end.

What can you do?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Crossfit WOD

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
  • 6 pull ups
  • 8 T2B
  • 10 SDHP (70#KB/53#KB)


7 rounds, Rx.  Was happy to Rx this sucker...it looks so easy written there.  But it's three grip skills--and my right hand is definitely paying the price for that, and for my stubborness in switching to ring rows once I started feeling some pain.

My toes to bar are getting a little better, but I'm still not able to do them one after the other after the other.  I think this and double unders should be my focus for the rest of the summer.  SHOULD be!  

I'm hoping my hand is better before Saturday, when the WOD includes rope climbs.  And I think it's 30 minutes long or something like that.  I'm not sure if I should look and then know what to expect or just show up, and be ready for anything.  Hmm...in the meantime, I'll hopefully sleep better and more tonight, take the day off tomorrow, and just run on Friday.

My first day at 36.  I'm pretty happy with where I'm at, physically.  Best shape of my life, feeling tough and strong and capable.  Lucky me.

Speedplay: Hills

It's my 36th birthday today, so I had to do something with 36 in it.  So...  36 minute workout, which turned out to be 4.2 miles.

Warm up 10 minutes

Four sets of:
1 minute at 3%
1 minute at 4%
1 minute at 5%
2 minutes at 1% recovery

6 minute cool down

Sorta Crossfit-like workout now that I look at it!  It was an easier version of last week's hill treadmill workout...  I haven't been sleeping well and much, so I have to be careful not to overdo it.  I'm not good at taking rest days.

But happy birthday, me.  :)