Monday, July 30, 2012

Crossfit WOD

For time:
  • 20 shoulder presses 95#/65#
  • 400 m run
  • 15 push presses 135#/95#
  • 400m run
  • 10 push jerks 165#/105#
  • 400m run


10:11.  Didn't Rx.  I think I could have though it would definitely have taken me five more minutes, but it would have been a struggle and my back doesn't feel 100%. Better not to push it, I think.  And I hate just standing there, staring at the bar.  

55# for shoulder presses (did 65# last week and my back did NOT feel swell afterwards)
65# for push press (had 85# ready but nearly fell over when I lifted it for the first time)
85# for push jerk (I earn the slacker award for this.  Coulda shoulda done time!)

Glad that it's week four in marathon training...  I had a slow week last week for a few reasons, some physical but more mental reasons.  I'm still focused and in great shape, and looking forward to getting past the hillwork of this week and next and getting to speedwork.  So I can be a speed demon at oh-dark-thirty!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Crossfit WOD

Well...Crossfit Reston is closed today, so...I took a day off.  Tomorrow I'll go for a 3 or 4 mile jaunt, maybe at night.  I've never done that before, or if I have I can't remember.  Not super safe for a woman running alone, but...

(Mary Chapen Carpenter's "I Take My Chances."  My favorite song.  Ever.)

Long Run

8 miles, Seneca.  1:12.  That's 9 minute miles on the dot.  Damn!  Right on the mark.

The main trail that I do is four miles, out and back.  So I did it twice.  I meant to run the same time, or aim to be faster the second time, but my head was too full of thoughts and I forgot to check my watch.

Because of scheduling purposes (darn it when life gets in the way of my running and training) I couldn't do 14 miles today, so I switched it up and will run that next week.

It was supposed to be bloody hot (best said in an accent I don't actually have); heat index near 100 or something.  I like the heat--I am someone who is constantly cold, constantly wearing a sweatshirt around our too-cold, a/c-pumped-up-too-high house--and I love to run in just a jog bra and shorts.  I was going to do the W&OD today but because it's hardly shaded, I opted for the well-known Seneca.  It was about 85 when I ran, but didn't feel too bad.  I was drenched by the time I stopped, though, and shamelessly took off my soaked jog bra and threw a shirt on before taking off to my next destination, where I changed from sweaty runner to sundress-wearing lady.  But I was happy to be a sweaty runner underneath.

That night I went to a Legwarmers concert with some of my girlfriends.  I yelled the words out as if I knew them (I'm horrible at remembering lyrics) and broke out some dance moves that have gathered too much dust.  I drank way too much and danced like a crazy person with them.  The night ended way too soon!  At 1 AM.  :)

In case you don't know me, I'm the second from the left.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Off Day.

Wish I could report that after a miserable night's sleep my long mid-morning nap was sandwiched between breakfast in bed and a massage.

Nope.  Took my sons and one of their friends hiking at Riverbend Park.

This actually translates into: watching two three year olds run ahead of me on the way out and calling to them for "quick feet!" on the way back, and carrying a 26-pound squirmy screamer on my back.  It was fun, though; was happy to get out of the house on a day that will soon be miserably hot.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Crossfit WOD

3 rounds for time of:
  • 20 KB Swings ( 70#/53#)
  • 30 Anchored Sit ups
  • 400M run


10:56.  Rx.

My first time doing 53#...I attempted it once before but nearly killed somebody when I dropped it.  A secondary accomplishment today: not decapitating anyone during those 60 swings, most of which were good, some just so-so.  I'll take that.  Had some stuff to work out so to speak, so glad there was some running involved, though my legs were heavy and I was slow from yesterday's 'mill hills and today's swings.  

Still, happy to be there.  Grateful to have a strong heart.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Speedplay: Hill workout

The Sisyphus Session

Warm up (wake up) 10 minutes (8:50ish pace)

Set 1 (8:27 pace):
30 seconds @ 4 percent incline
30 seconds @ 2 percent incline
60 seconds @ 4 percent incline
60 seconds @ 2 percent incline
90 seconds @ 4 percent incline
90 seconds @ 2 percent incline

2 minutes easy (8:34 pace), 1 percent incline

Set 2 (8:27 pace):
30 seconds @ 5 percent incline
30 seconds @ 3 percent incline
60 seconds @ 5 percent incline
60 seconds @ 3 percent incline
90 seconds @ 5 percent incline
90 seconds @ 3 percent incline

2 minutes easy (8:34 pace), 1 percent incline

Set 3 (8:27 pace):
30 seconds @ 6 percent incline
30 seconds @ 4 percent incline
60 seconds @ 6 percent incline
60 seconds @ 4 percent incline
90 seconds @ 6 percent incline
90 seconds @ 4 percent incline

2 minutes easy (8:34 pace), 1 percent incline

Set 4 (8:27 pace):
30 seconds @ 7 percent incline
30 seconds @ 5 percent incline
60 seconds @ 7 percent incline
60 seconds @ 5 percent incline

3 minutes easy (8:34 pace), 1 percent incline

5 minutes cool down, slowing gradually to 9:05 pace

43 minutes-ish...can't remember exactly. 5 miles.

Adapted to the treadmill from the workout found at

MAN would I kill to do this workout at the place where they took the picture in the link above.  Ugh.  Trying to appreciate what I've got--beyond amazing health and strong legs--but seriously, one day I will run in California.  One day.  And can I just move to Colorado tomorrow?!

Anyway, this was another tough workout, and would have been at any time of the day.  It was so tough, though, that it went by quickly.  Had to focus pretty hard on getting through it.  Now I have to stay hydrated through the day, and try and roll out on my trusty rusty foam roller later tonight after kids' bedtime.  Which I am already looking forward that bad?

Definitely try out this workout.  If you do the last 90 second on the fourth set, I'll send you a gold star...

Monday, July 23, 2012

Article: Can Crossfit make you a faster runner?

They think...not so much.  But some of the explosive training stuff (think: box jumps and jump rope and squats) help.  And making your body strong sure can't hurt...

I dunno.  I think it helps me more than this article says, but I only know my own anecdotal, work-in-progress evidence.

I will report that my body looks much better than it did just with running!  ;)

Crossfit WOD

AMR(reps)AP in 12 minutes of:

  • Hang squat clean (135#/85#) 20 reps
  • Hang squat clean (15#/105#) 20 reps
  • Hang squat clean (195#/125#) as many reps as you can until the time expires
Core - 4 rounds of Toes-to-Bar to failure. Rest as needed between rounds

20 @ 63#
20 @ 73#
13 @ 83#

I'm satisfied with my effort and results, but next time I'll start at 73.  Or 75.  The whole rounding up (do you really need to add the two plates of .5# on each end?) thing bugs me.  It feels like I'm cheating.  So I report honestly...this time.

Glad to practice my toes to bar, which I'd really like to master because I think I have the core strength.  Grip strength and kip are the issues...dammit!

For the four rounds of T2B: 10, 5, 6, 6.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Recovery Run

Um...there was no recovery run today.  Instead, I simply recovered from my week!  Something behind my right knee feels like it was stretched too much...

The ignorance loaded in that half of a sentence makes me smile.

It actually has hurt since my fun treadmill hill workout on Tuesday.  So just two running days for me this week, which is fine.

17 miles this week again, this time in two runs.  Good WODs.  Looking forward to week three...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Crossfit WOD

Teams of 2. Only 1 team member working at a time.
AMRAP in 12 minutes of:

  • 20 SDHP's (75#/55#)
  • 20 Push Jerks (115#/75#)

Every minute, both team members do five pull ups.


Team names were famous pairs.  Our team name was Bert & Ernie...inspired by my fan club. my kids, who came to watch and support (with my husband).  

Five rounds + 13 reps.  55 pull-ups total.  Kipping was good and strong today.  My fifth pull-up the last few minutes was questionable, but...

Funny thing is that this WOD would have been much better if the weights had been as listed above.  But someone wrote on the white board 35# and 45# for women...not sure if that was the newcomer weights or what.  We did 35#, which felt strange and light--I kept running to look at the whiteboard to make sure that was right.  So my partner and I did SUPER light weight, but...she was new and it was still fun, and the pull-ups guaranteed a good workout.  55 of those and my arms will be feeling it tomorrow.  And WHEW I won't be too muscle-y because I didn't lift heavy.  God forbid a woman have too many muscles...

Long Run

12 miles.  C&O Canal (one of my top two favorite places to run...other is Potomac Heritage Trail).  1 hour, 45 minutes.  8:40 minute pace.  A little fast.  Oops.

Got lucky with the weather, again.  About 75 degrees, not too muggy...clouds overhead were ominous, but it never rained while I was out on the towpath.

Thoughts while running:

  • Lots of guys out, especially boy-scout-looking groups biking.  About a dozen with a few fathers along for the ride (literally).  Was happy that they were getting out together, but...where were the girls?  What are the girl scouts doing today?  Please don't tell me going to a ballet or something lame and inactive like that.  Blech.  And then there were about four mother-son teams, running and walking.  Again: WHERE ARE THE GIRLS?!  
  • So I'm a rule follower.  Can I be a free thinker, ever?  I'm good at following directions and realize that, at age 35, I should probably start thinking for myself sometime soon.  If I don't, I'll never do it and I'll be going with the current for the rest of my life.  Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?  How do I know if the current is good?  Is it possible to be both a rule follower (I totally blame my Catholic upbringing for this one) AND a free thinker, a I-walk-my-own-walk type of gal?  Hmmm...
  • Working on a children's book in my head.  Stay tuned.  Must churn out rough draft this weekend.  Or I'm not sleeping on Sunday night until I do.  I can't just blog for the rest of my life...

I totally pulled a presto-chango at the end of the run.  I had fifteen minutes to change from a sweaty mess to a lady who lunches.  The added challenge?  I couldn't go home to do it--I needed to use the fairly icky C&O bathroom at the picnic area at Carderock.  Luckily it was cleaned while I was running, so the ickiness factor was lower than normal.  It's hard to stop sweating while in a non-ventilated, non-air conditioned outdoor bathroom, but I managed to wet down my washcloth, get it soapy, and do a little Ranger shower.  I pulled off my nasty-ass running clothes and put on my nice clean clothes, went a little crazy with perfume (Stella, just a sample) so you couldn't smell my sweat, and pulled my hair up and back in a bun.  Make-up would come later, after I gobbled down a pre-lunch apple and almond butter snack in the parking lot of the lunch spot.  Luckily the other lady who lunches and I are on hand-shaking terms, not hugging terms, so she wouldn't have to get too close...

On my way to the car it started to drizzle.  As I was thinking how lucky I am, a huge wasp zoomed and disappeared into my car. win some, you lose some.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Crossfit WOD

4 rounds for time of:
  • 10 hand release push ups
  • 10 Shoulder presses ( 75#/55#)
  • 200M run
Rest 2 minutes betyween rounds.

Core - 5 max effort L-Holds or 50 ABMAT sit ups


1:20, 1:44, 2:42, 2:38.  Rx.

I'm not sure I should have Rx'ed back was all askew during it.  The two trainers had a mini-debate on whether or not I should have lowered the weight.  I was about to, but head trainer Maggie told me to stop.  Maggie is someone you do NOT question.  I had to rest between reps on all sets but the first.  I came in last--yeah, yeah, I know I'm supposed to only be competing against myself, but finishing any workout last is NOT something I am used to doing.  And I don't like humble pie.

My best L-hold (hanging from pull-up bar with legs straight out in front of me) was 30 seconds.  Average was about 23 or 25.

But after a tough hill workout yesterday morning, I am okay with the results above.  Not thrilled, but....  I'll sleep just fine tonight and enjoy my well-earned rest day.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Speedplay: Hills

My morning...

4:30.  Stumble out of bed and into running clothes.

4:35.  While lacing up, watch this:

4:40.  Hop on treadmill.

Here was my workout:

Warm up 10 minutes (9 min to 8:34, the pace at which I did the rest of the workout)

Set 1: steady pace 1 minute each @ 4, 5 and 6 percent incline
2 minutes recovery @ 1 percent incline

Set 2: steady pace 1 minute each @ 5, 6 and 7 percent incline
2-3 minutes recovery @ 1 percent incline

Set 3: steady pace 1 minute each @ 6, 7 and 8 percent incline
2 minutes recovery @ 1 percent incline

Set 4: steady pace 1 minute each @ 7, 6 and 5 percent incline
2 minutes recovery @ 1 percent incline

Set 5: steady pace 1 minute each @ 3, 4, and 5 percent incline
2-3 minutes recovery @ 1 percent incline

Cool down (run at 9 min pace) 8 minutes

Walk 5 minutes.

5 miles total.

5:30.  Shower

5:40.  Take youngest son from my husband (grateful my run wasn't interrupted due to his 5:15 AM wake up time!)

My legs--after yesterday's 160ish air squats and this workout--are TOAST.  I pulled it off because I was asleep by 9 PM. This was a great workout.  I might do it again next Tuesday!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Crossfit WOD

4 rounds of:

  • 1 minute muscle ups
  • 1 minute toes-2-bar
  • 1 minute air squats
  • rest 1 minute
Scoring system: each muscle up (including band muscle ups) rep is worth 5 points (MUTs 3 points), each toe2bar is worth 3 points, and each air squat is worth 1 point.


MUAs: 6 + 7 + 9 + 9 = 31 (77.5)
T2B:  10 + 10 + 8 + 8 = 36 (108)
AS:   45 + 43 + 41 + 40 = 169 (169)

TOTAL: 354.5

Muscle ups.   Ugh.  I think they'll be my new year's resolution.  Yeah, I know it's just mid-July.  I like to plan ahead, and I am THAT far from doing an actual, real one.  

Well, I have to forgive myself a bit because my left hand has a rip and it is now worse (why don't I take days off??).  So toes to bar really hurt, and I haven't done them in at least a month, maybe more.  I can't kip them--I have to reset everytime--and that is a huge time waster.  But I got up at 3:30 AM (thanks to kids) so  this WOD was done on almost five hours of sleep.

I have to make myself another cup of coffee right

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Recovery Run

5:15 AM, 3 miles, treadmill.

I think I heard a creak when I started running...was laughing to myself as I woke up and warmed up that 9 miles seemed super fast.  By the end of the second mile I was ready to go a little faster, but...

Would kill for a nap later today; since that it is highly unlikely, I'll settle for an early bedtime, a hurrah of sorts for the end of week one of training.  Only 15 more weeks!  I better enjoy it while it lasts.

Total mileage: 17 miles.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Crossfit WOD

Teams of 2. Only 1 team member working at a time.
AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
  • 20 Pull ups
  • 20 Wall Ball Shots (20#/14#)
  • 20 KB Swings (53#/35#)


It's but a scratch!
Saturday workouts are always team workouts, always an AMRAP.  You have to come up with a team name, which usually is my least favorite part, although a few weeks ago I was paired up with a gal and we had to be a band--in a moment of early morning humor I chose Barenaked Ladies and was chuckling the whole time.  Today we had to choose a vehicle--and we were Team Mini.

6 rounds + 14.  I RXed, my partner did Ring Rows and lower weights in the medball and kettlebell.  She kept me going with the pull-ups--was proud of myself for not switching to Ring Rows.  I'm not sure if the (younger) guy next to me was miffed or inspired that I was doing pull-ups as he did ring rows.  I felt strong--got through 58 pull-ups with just one rip...not bad, felt strong.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Long Run

10 warm miles in 1:27, from mile marker 17.5 to 22.5 on the W&OD.


A tiny bit faster than I'm supposed to do (I'm running 8 minute miles in the marathon so I should be doing 9 minute miles for my long runs), but I was pretty happy with this since it's not that long a distance.  I have a tendency to zip a bit too much when I'm feeling good, and I was feeling pretty good.

Long runs are the few times I actually get to think, uninterrupted.  I am so unused to thinking, uninterrupted, that it takes me a few miles to focus.

Yesterday my father was inducted in the Ranger Hall of Fame in Fort Benning, Georgia.  I'm pretty proud of him, and wish I could have been there.  Today I was thinking of all the stuff I learned from him, and from him being a Ranger, and from Rangers in general.  Here's what I got, in no particular order:

  • How to be tough.  One of my first Ranger-related memories is Ranger Day in Savannah.  They were playing..Ranger football?  I'm not really sure--I wasn't sure then, and I'm not sure now.  All I know is that most of the guys' shirts were ripped by the end, some were bloody, and there was am Ambulance parked alongside the field.  Ha!
  • How to approach a tough thing with humor.  Maybe this is my father's doing (regardless of who gets credit, I'm grateful).  My father and his Ranger buddies would always laugh and joke about how tough something was, but had a somebody's-gotta-do-it mentality, and they knew that the buck stopped with them.
  • How to define family.  Your brother was the guy fighting (or snoring, or cracking jokes) next to you.  Your sisters were the neighbors who brought your family dinners when your father was away and someone was sick.  Your family were those people who came to your Christmas dinner when you were too far from home to get home.
  • How to push yourself.  People who know me think I'm nuts because I exercise as hard as I do.  "Your intensity is...too much" I hear.  Well, what the hell is the point?  I have seen people--usually guys--grunt with pain and know that if they can push through it, I can, too.
  • How to have a few beers and kick back.  It's something I still enjoy, especially with my Peace Corps friends.  But there's nothing better than watching your straight-laced dad loosen up and laugh until he can't talk reminiscing about the crazy shit he and his friends got themselves into in Ranger School...
  • That brawn is as important as brains sometimes.  Maybe I'm not talking about muscles here, but just the willingness to be part of a team, to be a follower, to do the stuff that needs to be done.  Especially when that job is related to public service, to protecting our freedom.  What can I say?  I'm more patriotic than my neighbors.
  • That it sure seems that guys have more fun than girls.  In second grade, I realized the Girl Scouts sucked so my father happily volunteered to show my sister and I how to live off the land in grade school.  The list goes on, but... Most of the time it seems like this is still true.  Would I change my gender?  I guess not, because of the whole motherhood thing, but...jury's still out.

I turned around at mile marker 22.5 and the weather warmed up a bit--I was lucky to have it cloudy and almost drizzling for the first 5-6 miles.  To add to my Ranger-ish thoughts, I put on the album of cadences on my iPod and listened to the jodies that I listened to growing up.  Immediately I was brought back to West Point, to Savannah, to Fort Lewis.  Back to a happy spot in my life, a much simpler time.

I am proud of my dad, and I'm proud to be his daughter.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Crossfit WOD

3 rounds for time of (20 minute cap):
  • 400M run
  • 20 hand release push ups
  • 10 KB Snatches right arm (53#/35#)
  • 10 KB Snatches left arm (53#/ 35#)
Core - 20 Glute Ham Raises

22# KB.  My back and shoulders were a little sore, so I decided to back off on the weight a little.  I think I could do 35# but...maybe next time.  Push up form was just okay in the middle set.  

Went to a new class today...instead of 9:30, went to the hotter 12:15.  I was the only girl in a class of about 7.  I was smiling to myself, wondering what their expectations of me were.  I'm a runner, so...this WOD is a good one for me.  I was first in the first two rounds, and one guy finished his push ups faster than me so he got out on his last 400 before I did.  Damn!  I'll catch him next time.  I was in the mood for a tough workout that I could throw myself into, and was grateful for this one.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Speedplay: Hills

4 miles, hills.  Treadmill.

Woke at 4:45...after not being able to sleep (thanks to thoughts & west coast time).

Warm up = wake up.

1 mile warm-up, 1.5% grade
2 x 3 min at 3%
2 x 2 min at 4%
2 x 1 min at 5%
2 x 30 sec at 6%
.75 cool-down, 1.5%

Total: 4 miles, 34:25 min
warm up at 8:57 pace, workout at 8:34 pace.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Week One.

Week One:  Aw-yeah, aw-yeah...

"Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, you're probably right." Henry Ford

M      Crossfit WOD

T       Speedplay: 4.5 miles, hills, treadmill, medium intensity (8ish minute miles)

W      Crossfit WOD

Th      Rest Day   Ahhh...

F        Long Run: 10 miles, W&OD, medium to low intensity (8:30ish minute miles)

Sa      Crossfit WOD

Su      Recovery Run: 3.5 miles, treadmill, low intensity (8:30ish minute miles)

Crossfit WOD

WOD#1 - AMRAP in 6 minutes of:
  • 30 double unders
  • 8 pull ups
Rest 5 minutes then:
WOD#2 - AMRAP in 6 minutes of:
  • 50 foot shuttle run
  • 100 foot shuttle run
  • 5 burpees
Core - 25 hip extensions holding  25#/15# db's

WOD #1: 
3 rounds + 5 DUAs.
Pull ups are getting a little better, though my grip needs to improve.  I got one tiny blood blister...that doesn't even count.  I shortened my rope significantly and the attempts were MUCH easier...was the first time I thought I might be able to get those double unders sometime before 2020.  Still, I was pretty disappointed in my low number of scores.  Was aiming for five.
So, I was looking for redemption in...
WOD #2:
8 rounds + 5 burpees  
Women started with burpees.  Kicked ass in this, not to toot my own horn or anything.  :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Crossfit WOD

FGB - Fight Gone Bad

  1. Wall-ball: 20/14 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
  2. Sumo deadlift high-pull: 75/55 pounds (Reps)
  3. Box Jump: 20" box (Reps)
  4. Push-press: 75/55 pounds (Reps)
  5. Row: calories (Calories)
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of "rotate," the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Wall-ball: 29
SDHP: 52
Box Jump: 57
Push-press: 71
Rowing: 43

Total: 252.  RX.

I'm not starting my training until Monday but wanted to record today's WOD: Fight Gone Bad.  It was pretty tough, and I went out a bit too fast--well, no, let me restate that.  I wish I had been able to maintain the speed of my first round.  I got 104 that round, and then slowed to 80, then 68.  Next time I aim to do 300 and be able to kick ass the whole time, not just the first round. 

But all in all, a lot of fun!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Beginning.

So I'm starting a new blog.  Call me crazy...yeah, I know it.

I can't find any good training program on the web that incorporates Crossfit and more traditional running I'm creating one, or at least recording what I do.

I've been Crossfitting at Crossfit Reston for about five months.  I go three times a week, and hate to miss a WOD.  I love it--makes me feel strong and cool and young.  I also appreciate how many guys workout there--the increase in testosterone is such a nice balance to my estrogen-filled mom world.

I've run 5 marathons, 1 50 miler, 4 half-marathons, so...I'm no newbie.  I recently won my age group at a trail 10K (43 minutes) and shocked myself.  I knew that I was one tough cookie but DAMN I am also a fast cookie!  I turned to my daughter when I found I came in fourth overall (for women) and first in my age group and said: "I'm the fastest mom in the world!"

Now that I've realized I'm the fastest mom in the world (move over, Paula Radcliffe), I've got the Marine Corps Marathon ahead of me in 16 short weeks.  I'm aiming to kick some serious ass.

My goals in that race:

  1. Remain injury-free.
  2. Push my own limits and have fun while training.
  3. NOT puke during or after the race.
  4. Run a sub-3:40 marathon so I can...
  5. FINALLY qualify for Boston.
  6. Inspire a few people along the way, or...
  7. Keep myself motivated.

A little about me: I'm a stay-at-home mom; I've got three kids.  5 year old daughter, 3 1/2 year old son, 1 year old son.  They keep me busy as a stay-at-home mom.  Follow my parenting/reading with them here.