Saturday, July 21, 2012

Long Run

12 miles.  C&O Canal (one of my top two favorite places to run...other is Potomac Heritage Trail).  1 hour, 45 minutes.  8:40 minute pace.  A little fast.  Oops.

Got lucky with the weather, again.  About 75 degrees, not too muggy...clouds overhead were ominous, but it never rained while I was out on the towpath.

Thoughts while running:

  • Lots of guys out, especially boy-scout-looking groups biking.  About a dozen with a few fathers along for the ride (literally).  Was happy that they were getting out together, but...where were the girls?  What are the girl scouts doing today?  Please don't tell me going to a ballet or something lame and inactive like that.  Blech.  And then there were about four mother-son teams, running and walking.  Again: WHERE ARE THE GIRLS?!  
  • So I'm a rule follower.  Can I be a free thinker, ever?  I'm good at following directions and realize that, at age 35, I should probably start thinking for myself sometime soon.  If I don't, I'll never do it and I'll be going with the current for the rest of my life.  Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?  How do I know if the current is good?  Is it possible to be both a rule follower (I totally blame my Catholic upbringing for this one) AND a free thinker, a I-walk-my-own-walk type of gal?  Hmmm...
  • Working on a children's book in my head.  Stay tuned.  Must churn out rough draft this weekend.  Or I'm not sleeping on Sunday night until I do.  I can't just blog for the rest of my life...

I totally pulled a presto-chango at the end of the run.  I had fifteen minutes to change from a sweaty mess to a lady who lunches.  The added challenge?  I couldn't go home to do it--I needed to use the fairly icky C&O bathroom at the picnic area at Carderock.  Luckily it was cleaned while I was running, so the ickiness factor was lower than normal.  It's hard to stop sweating while in a non-ventilated, non-air conditioned outdoor bathroom, but I managed to wet down my washcloth, get it soapy, and do a little Ranger shower.  I pulled off my nasty-ass running clothes and put on my nice clean clothes, went a little crazy with perfume (Stella, just a sample) so you couldn't smell my sweat, and pulled my hair up and back in a bun.  Make-up would come later, after I gobbled down a pre-lunch apple and almond butter snack in the parking lot of the lunch spot.  Luckily the other lady who lunches and I are on hand-shaking terms, not hugging terms, so she wouldn't have to get too close...

On my way to the car it started to drizzle.  As I was thinking how lucky I am, a huge wasp zoomed and disappeared into my car. win some, you lose some.

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